2017 Watercolor and Mural Art Workshops with Children’s Shelter Foundation, Chiang Mai, Thailand
GLOCAP’s longest-running collaboration has been with the students of Children’s Shelter Foundation in Chiang Mai, Thailand. In 2017 we returned to conduct watercolor art workshops organized by Timothy Lomas on the flora and fauna of Thailand and then to transfer our results into beautiful murals which decorated their outdoor kitchen, student dining area, and library. Local guest artists included Worawuth Srakeo, Lili Tan, Chris Chun, and Ralph Kiggel. It was a wonderful series of art workshops which we look forward to continue and build upon in the coming years ahead. Thank you to all of our friends and loved ones at Joy’s House / Children’s Shelter Foundation! You are always an inspiration and pleasure to collaborate with in a spirit of creativity and cultural exchange.

Some of our youngest students at Children’s Shelter Foundation with their artworks.

James Painting

James’ watercolor still life of apples

Visiting artist Worawuth Srakeo demonstrates a watercolor technique

Some of the watercolors from our first day.

One of our student’s watercolor

A young artist’s Tiger painting

Our first day’s results at Children’s Shelter Foundation

Demo “Bird” drawing with colored pencils by Timothy Lomas

Young students at work

Tilawat with his canary watercolor

Wanjai with his bird painting

Frank paints a bird

Arnon has been working with our art workshops for a few years now.

Arnon is all smiles, happy with his results

Malisa is quite the artist!

Levi painting

Frank is all smiles, happy to be attending our art workshop again

Wayu’s bird watercolor painting

Peemai with her tiger watercolor

Da with her watercolor landscape painting.

We’ll use these bird paintings as inspiration for our murals

We’ll use these bird paintings as inspiration for our murals

The blank wall where we will start one of our murals

Timothy Lomas sketches out a plan on a photo of the space

Worawuth Srakeo helps to chalk out our design

Local artist Lili Tan joins the team

Malaysia’s bird watercolor painting

Artist Ralph Kigell joins the team

Local artist Chris Chun joins the team

Young students adding vines and birds to our pillars

Levi by our mural outside of the Library

Peemai smiles by our mural

Our mural at the library at Joy’s House / Children’s Shelter Foundation with some of our enthusiastic young artists and Timothy Lomas

Some of our new, young artists this year by our mural

Young artists by our mural

We added Ginger flowers and Bird of Paradise flowers to our jungle mural. Frank and James approve!

Our youngest artists worked on this exotic flower garden mural in the dining area

Wanjai on clean up duty!

We covered 7 pillars with vines, birds, and other creatures in the outdoor kitchen / dining area for the students

Visiting artist Lili Tan

Visiting artist Lili Tan with some of our young artists

We always donate art supplies of watercolors, paper, acrylic paint, brushes, and palettes for your young artists.